Member of the National Hair Federation
Cut & Dryed Hair Salon, Pontypridd

Cut & Dryed

T: 01443 405 696


About Cut & Dryed Hair Salon, Ponrtpridd  Cut & Dryed Hair Salon Services, Ponrtpridd Cut & Dryed Hair Salon Products, Ponrtpridd Cut & Dryed Hair Salon, Price List Ponrtpridd Find Cut & Dryed Hair Salon Pontypridd

Cut & Dryed is a vibrant, always busy, city centre hair salon that has been established for over forty years, and the current owners have over twenty five years experience each, gaining an outstanding reputation for high quality services and client care.

Catering for women and men, we use only the finest products, and offer:

  • A warm, professional welcome
  • Fully qualified staff, trained in the latest precision hair cutting and colouring techniques
  • Competitive pricing structure to suit all budgets
  • Personalised after care advice given, including opportunity to purchase high quality hair products.

Our dedicated and experienced team of stylists are at your disposal  to cater to your every need, we pride ourselves on offering an informal  yet professional experience and aim to see you leave feeling and looking good

The wide range of high quality styling and salon exclusive professional hair care products are priced at just £10!

Big hair at Cut & Dryed hair salon Pontypridd! Affinage Hair Products at Cut & Dryed hair salon Pontypridd! Sleek hair at Cut & Dryed hair salon Pontypridd!

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