Eyes & Lashes We offer a range of eyelash and brow tinting and tidying services that create just the right look to complement and balance your facial features. We also offer a very popular semi permanent eyelash extensions treatment that many clients like to combine with a facial for enhanced results.
Important: You will need to visit Coco for a patch test at least 48 hours prior to your first tinting or eyelash extension treatment to ensure no allergy exists.
Waxing All of the basic waxing treatments along with a selection of specialist waxing treatments are available.
Prior to the treatment - the therapist will cleanse the area using a specially formulated pre-cleansing lotion. The therapist will then apply a high quality cream warm wax and remove the unwanted hair. You should ensure that the hair to be waxed is a minimum of around 0.75cm - 1cm so that the wax will take to the hair effectively. This is normally around 2 weeks post-shaving growth for most ladies or 4-6 weeks post waxing.
Once the waxing has been completed, a soothing lotion is applied to nourish and calm the skin helping it to recover quickly from the waxing treatment.
Tanning Indulge yourself with the richest looking tan treatment, in the most luxurious way.
- Does not streak
- No orange effect
- Overnight results - each application lasts up to 10 days